Welcome to the UK Parking Patrol Office Payment Site
Should you wish to submit a Transfer of Liability, please use info@parkingpatrol.co.uk which is our email address for enquiries that are not appeal related.
// we offer
Welcome to the Parking Tickets, the payment facility for the UK Parking Patrol Office
Payments – If you have received a parking ticket please go to Payments, where you will find details of how to pay your Parking Charge Notice (PCN). We can accept online payment with a valid credit or debit card, or cheque payment by post.
Appeals – If you wish to appeal against a parking ticket please go to the Appeals page to find out more about the appeals process.
Transfer of Liability – Should you wish to submit a Transfer of Liability, please use info@parkingpatrol.co.uk which is our email address for enquiries that are not appeal related.
Contact Us – You will find details of how to contact our office for any enquiries on the Contact Us page. Please note, although we aim to assist with any problem, we cannot enter into discussion about specific PCN’s.
UK Parking Patrol Office Ltd are members of the International Parking Community and are signed up to their Accredited Operator Scheme, As members of the scheme we are required to comply with the IPC Code of Practice. We are also members of the British Parking Association. For more information, please visit their website. Copyright 2015 the UK Parking Patrol Office Ltd.
UK Parking Patrol Office Ltd are registered in England & Wales (company registration number 07105527)
Registered office address: 7 Christie Way, Christie Fields, Manchester M21 7QY (not for correspondence)